bookkeeping mistakes

Avoid these 7 Bookkeeping mistakes if you are into real estate

Irrespective of the small or big business, accounting is one of the significant parts of the organization. Real estate is a big industry and they have to maintain their bookkeeping activity efficiently to run the business profitably. Here, all the records must be kept properly in a proper place. The bookkeeping for real estate agents can help them to know the transactions in their business conveniently. Whether it is the accountant or owner, the accounting of real estate is a challenge.

The activity of bookkeeping services for real estate business involves tedious processes. The bigger losses and complexities are experienced whenever there is even a smaller mistake in the bookkeeping activity. So, it is important to avoid any mistakes while doing the bookkeeping activity in the real estate business.

What mistakes to avoid in the bookkeeping of the real estate business?

While doing the bookkeeping services for the real estate business, it is important to avoid some important mistakes.

Here are 7 Bookkeeping mistakes to avoid if you are in the real estate business:

1. Not maintaining a proper backup

In accounting, your data is primarily important and is also subjected to losses due to any reason. If you are using the traditional method with paper then keeping the duplicate copy at a safer place is important. However, now most organizations are going digital and using a cloud platform. Although cloud platforms and other digital records have utmost security, still, there are little risks about it. Here, the rare problems can be technical, viruses, and security breaches of data. So, keeping backup data on a regular basis after some duration is better.

2. Not separating the business and personal accounts

The separation of the business and personal bank accounts may not seem more problematic early, it may give bigger problems later. This problem will be experienced more by the real estate agents. Separating both accounts can make it easy to trace the cash flow of the business. It can benefit while bookkeeping for real estate agents and calculating the taxes.

3. Disbursement of the funds inappropriately

It is crucial to wait till all the formalities of the real estate transfer and transactions are done properly. The money received is considered as a commission only when the official transaction is done. Here, there are several possibilities about the deal, as many of them make transactions throw escrow funds. So, make the funds disbursement wisely to make it in bookkeeping properly.

4. Irregularity is keeping the records

Many of the accountants do not follow proper record maintenance in bookkeeping. This makes the accounting of real estate, a little messy later. It makes it more problematic while calculating the expenses and the income properly. To keep efficient accounting, records must be made regularly.

5. Data classification inappropriately

One of the common things experienced in the accounting of real estate is improper data classification. It creates hassles while filing the tax returns and understanding the cash flow. Here, you must use better real estate bookkeeping software that can make proper classification of data. Getting this service from an expert professional can be more beneficial for your business.

6. Not reconciling the bank accounts

Reconciling of the back accounts is very important for any business and some real estate businesses avoid it. Reconciling can help to detect errors in transactions.

7. Improper expenses categorization

In a business like real estate, there are transactions of huge amounts. An improper categorization of expenses can give an insight into where the expenses are made. So, make sure that the expenses are categorized properly to track the expenses and plan the further business activity properly.


In a business of real estate, the cash inflow and cash outflow are very important. So, you must have better real estate bookkeeping services that can help for maintaining proper accounting.

Meru Accounting provides excellent real estate bookkeeping services that can help achieve efficiency in accounting activities. Meru Accounting is a well-known accounting service provider across the globe.

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